Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can a bank close my account and pass it to a debt collecting agency after my claim for bank charges ?

Resolved Question

Can a bank close my account and pass it to a debt collecting agency after my claim for bank charges ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

If a bank closes your account and then passes the debt onto a debt collectors, they have effectively written your debt off to balance their books. They have set your account to zero.

I would not be intimidated by debt collectors either. If the account is in dispute, they have no legal right to sell it. I would write to them threatening them with the ombudsman and the Office of Fair Trading.

Banks have lost all credibility since they needed taxpayer money to bail them out because of the greed of senior bankers speculating huge sums on currency. For years I worked hard at keeping a good credit record only to be judged by a bank that is bankrupt!

I would make them a cheeky offer in full and final settlement or drag it out for years disputing their charges etc.

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Other Answers (7)

  • YES, havent you been watching the news?
    BANKS CAN DO ANYTHING, just bend over and take it!!!!!!
    Needed to pay bill to my bank by deadline, they were closed Wednesday with snow, I have ill health after making the effort to walk in and pay it, have spent last two days recovering, if hadnt bumped into friends and got lift home, think I would have ended up in you think the BANK would care
    NO, I would have incurred bank charges
    they can legally rob us time and time again, thats why I'm with nationwide one of the last building societys and who did open on Wednesday and helped me out with the B++++Bank problem
    have to keep bank credit card, otherwise would have nothing to do with them


  • If they pass outstanding charges to a debt collecting agency while a dispute is unresolved, they are breaking the law. Point out to the agency that there is an ongoing dispute between you and the bank and that any claim by the agency is unenforceable.
  • Not sure what you mean by "my claim" for bank charges. Presumably you mean the bank's claim for bank charges. If so, yes, they can certainly close your account and take whatever action they think is necessary to recover what you owe them.
  • if your account remained overdrawn then yes the bank can close the account (or else it will be assessed fees daily) and report it to collections to get their money from you...
  • If your account is overdrawn, yes they can. We have no idea what your "claim for bank charges" means.
  • Yes
  • yes if you owe them money.

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