Thursday, December 31, 2009

Do you have to work to get a Planned Overdraft?

Resolved Question

Do you have to work to get a Planned Overdraft?

I'm with Lloyds Tsb

Additional Details

I'm with Lloyds TSB, i do have money coming in regulary into my account

6 days ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

UK answer: It would really depend on where the regular money was coming from. For example, those on Disability Living Allowance are considered for credit/overdrafts. Those receiving a regular income from their parents would not.

So the answer is 'no', you don't have to work, but it's more complicated than that - you would also need to prove a regular income.

Hope this helps.

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Other Answers (2)

  • No, all you need is the agreement of the bank manager, but they usually like some guarantee like employment, self-employment, a student likely to be on a good salary in the future.
  • No - many students have an agreed overdraft, but pay heavily in bank charges for the privilege


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