Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Law and Credit Cards: Friend in Big Trouble Please Help!!!!Please!!Husband who is a scam artist!?

Resolved Question

The Law and Credit Cards: Friend in Big Trouble Please Help!!!!Please!!Husband who is a scam artist!?

My best friend married a scam artist!This is really really bad,they had a quick marriage,everyone liked the guy,butter wouldnt melt in his mouth!He went to CHURCH!!!Theyve been married for two years,she had her own house,everything has gone real bad,he was managing the finances whilst she was raising their two children+1 from a past relation ship!They have been married for two years,when they met he was recovering from a traumatic time as his last wife had died in a car crash along with his little girl...................The CSA have now found him!Imagine my friends horror when she found out the x wife was still alive with the little girl!She then started digging and found out he had run up big debts on her own personal credit cards,hotel bills etc whilst he was having affairs etc!Including one recent one for £900.00 for a stereo in his car!He made many of these purchases in person,Surely its illegal for a person thats not the card owner to make purchases.Its nearly impossible to find any of this out!Someone told me that any purchase over £25.00 should be subject to an ID check?He went away for three weeks whilst his "Mother Died" this was a holiday in Spain(His Mother is in good health)!There are no laws against scammers like this??What a country we live in!

Additional Details

Further Details:- Her Own Original Bank Account and The Joint Account are in Overdraft Situation.Another thing she started to smell a rat on is his mail started coming with the names changed slightly.This is surely illegal this guy needs locked up,my friend has now spoken to the "dead" wife,he left her with £20,000 of Debt.

1 week ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Tell her that her only option is to take him to court.

No one likes to go to court, especially if the experience is new to them - but it's her only chance of regaining any money and preventing him from getting anything in the divorce, including custody of their children.

To say his daughter had died is the most unforgivable thing a father can do.
100% 1 Vote

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Other Answers (6)

  • Sounds like she needs a lawyer. Also to take every bit of money out of the joint bank account and move it to her own bank account that he cannot touch. She also needs to report the cards stolen, cancel them, and get new ones issued in her name only. Rent a box to receive her mail - and keep the only key to the box on her.
    0% 0 Votes
  • Sounds very deceitfull, She could call in police and lawyers, Could even still be married, To do all that to so called loved ones, Better off without him, Good for you trying to help as she needs a mate
    0% 0 Votes
  • she needs to go to the police with all her evidence of the card frauds, and the story of his ex wife etc, then go to a solicitor
    0% 0 Votes
  • The best bet is to get that person away from that scam fast as possible before that person gets arrested. I am afraid that the person who helps that scammer could be charged with abetting or acting as an accessory.
    0% 0 Votes
  • his last wife had died in a car crash along with his little girl. sounds like the same line from the

    Step father movie
    0% 0 Votes
  • She should ring Womens them as this is Financial abuse...and put a stop on the credit card
    0% 0 Votes

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