Monday, January 18, 2010

Bad credit report - what to do!?

Resolved Question

Bad credit report - what to do!?

Just tried to but a phone from Vodaphone. Free phone and £10 per month for 2 years...but it was rejected. The company is Experian and they said I need to get a credit report from Creditexpert. To do that I have to give them credit card details and I dont want to (got hit before with a number of small monthly charges before realising).

Any advice abut how to find out why were appear to have bad credit and how to resolve it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

You'll find a very basic introduction to how the credit check works here (see page "The Credit Check"):

Also contact details of the 3 main credit agencies in the UK.

In a nut-shell, while performing a credit check, the lender will give you points on the following details:

Your employment status
Number of years you have lived in your current house
Your credit card details
Your income details
Other loans you have availed
Your repayment record
Number of arrears, defaults and missed payments you had
If you have any CCJ registered against you
Have you ever been declared a bankruptcy

After evaluating all this, the lender will make your credit report, mentioning your credit score according to his parameters.

This credit report is NOT private - you are entitled to see it but it will cost you a couple of quid!

Good luck.


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Other Answers (4)

  • You can write to Experian for your credit report:…

    for a fee of £2 (for which you could send a cheque in order to avoid using your credit card)

    If your credit report is bad, there are a number of things you can do make it better -… scroll down to 'If I have a poor credit rating where do I start?'

    Edit: In the meantime you need a phone, so perhaps consider a pay as you go phone for now. It can take some time to repair a bad credit rating.
  • I was recently the victim of fraud with applications for credit in my name - I contacted the 3 agencies Equifax, Experian, CallCredit and asked for the £2 standard credit file. You don't have to sign up - its your legal right to have access to all files held on you for a minimum fee - mine came through quickly and I resolved my issue.

    To repair - don't make lots of hits requesting credit - have you got CCJ's, most important - are you on the electoral roll, these can auto reject you.

    I work in Finance and Legal - I pay cash for everything so as not to leave a trail - my privacy is important.
  • You can apply for a basic £2 report from Experian which is what you need to look at:…

    I was signed up to CreditExpert for a while and I did find it useful in sorting out the errors on my report, but the basic one will still give you the info you need.
  • Сredit repair workеd fine to fix my credit. They disputed and removed lots of bad items from my credit report. I used this service -

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