Resolved Question
Should bankers be getting the bonuses they do?
I think that if someone has deserved it by earning a lot of money then they are entitles to a bonus, i believe that giving £multi-million bonuses is wrong, there should be a limit on bonuses, if banks sorted out there bonuses and pay packages our country wouldn't be in a big as state as what is, we wouldn't have so many problems.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Isn't it pathetic, paying them with our AtM Fees. The rich get richer the poor get poorer..
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Other Answers (5)
- I agree with you. If the baker is doing something extraordinary, that is earning the bank and it's clients and investors money, then sure, he should get an appropriate bonus.
A banker shouldn't be getting a bonus when the bank is in the hole and sinking further.
A bonus should be based on positive performance, and positive performance only.0% 0 Votes - Banks have historically paid bonuses to key employees in all departments. The problem is that people making investment decisions were given compensation packages that rewarded returns and did not penalize for losses. As a result, there was excessive risk taking and recklessness by some employees. I think banks should regulate themselves in this regard, and if they don't do it then government should step in.0% 0 Votes
- No---- I think we should all take our money out of the banks, that will show 'um!0% 0 Votes
- No. But what can you do about it?0% 0 Votes
- Yes...most certainly if they produce the goods...then good luck.
Without them/their knowledge we would all be up the s+++ creek without a paddle!!!
You earn it, you get paid for a good bonus..
Most of the million pound bonuses actually paid out represent (often) less than 1 percent of generated income...they are also taxed at maximum most goes back into the Exchequer anyway.....and I'm not even in the industry...damn it!!!0% 0 Votes
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