Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Have you heard of these cards? what do you think of them?

Resolved Question

Have you heard of these cards? what do you think of them?…

Additional Details

ANDY E is right.
they're not credit cards.
i have never had a credit card in my life.
i just want a card that i can shop online with.
i've heard of "top-up" or "pay-as-you-go" cards and these were mentioned by someone.
i don't want a credit card.
besides the fact i have a bad credit rating, do no one would give me one anyway.

5 days ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Credit Cards are designed to remove money from those who don't understand Compound Interest (these are usually known as 'Poor People') and give it to those that do ... only the terminally ignorant needs yet another Credit Card

WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SCAM ..... every penny you pay on Interest is a penny less YOU have to spend === Credit Cards are a guaranteed way for the poor to make themselves poorer (and the rich, richer).
67% 2 Votes

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Other Answers (2)

  • Uk answer: Contrary to the other answers who don't seem to have looked at the sites, both of these are pre-paid cards, with Wirecard being based in Germany and Entropay in the UK. They are not credit cards - so there is no debit balance and no interest to pay. You "load" money onto the account and then spend it using the card number, probably over the internet. In this way, it makes credit card transactions available to those people who can't get a credit or debit card. It might also be useful to those who don't want certain transactions showing up on their credit card statement - in which case, shame on you - you'll go blind!

    They make their money by charging you a whopping 4.95% of the balance you transfer onto the card before you spend it.
    33% 1 Vote
  • All these credit cards are very much the same. They all charge you to use an ATM and a monthly fee. Having looked at entropay's website, I wouldn't bother with them at all. It took an age for their website to download and then it was rubbish.

    I have a 3vcash card that is free to obtain, can be in any name and is a Visa card. Great for online shopping.


    0% 0 Votes

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