Monday, January 18, 2010

Can someone on benifits get a credit card ?

Resolved Question

Can someone on benifits get a credit card ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Depends upon the type of benefits you are receiving, the amount and how much excess benefits income you receive - can that excess support the payments?

My opinion: Don't get a credit card. If you are receiving benefits, it's most likely you are receiving just enough to get by.
100% 1 Vote

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Other Answers (4)

  • OK I wont lecture you as others have but when I was on benefits and with a bad credit rating through no fault of my own, it was because of divorce etc - the only cards you will get is Capital One or Vanquis and from past experience stay away from Capital One, Vanquis is a bit better but the credit limit is only £200 - £250 and the apr is about 30% for both of these cards.
    0% 0 Votes
  • I would say it's not a definate no, but normally, people on benefits have records of debt. Which will make it harder. But it's definately possible if you don't have any debt or bad payment records.
    0% 0 Votes
  • Why would you want a credit card if you're on benefits? So you can max them out and default on the payments?
    0% 0 Votes
  • Err, who would want one!!. Payments have to be made regularly, and benefits do not cover them.
    0% 0 Votes

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